Trefoil Cookie Butter
  • 1 Sleeve of Trefoils (approx. 20 cookies)
  • 2 TBS light brown sugar
  • ½ tsp vanilla
  • Dash of cinnamon
  • 3 TBS vegetable oil
  • 2 TBS milk
  1. Place the cookies in a food processor, slightly breaking them up as you put them in. Grind until the cookies are fine, even crumbs.
  2. Add brown sugar, vanilla, and cinnamon into the food processor. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Add oil and milk, one TBS at a time, mixing thoroughly in between each turn. Mix until you receive a peanut butter-like consistency.
  4. Enjoy! Place the cookie butter into a sealable container and keep refrigerated.
Recipe by The Geeky Hostess at