Feel Better With A Good Book

Some days, you just need to run home after work, grab a giant bowl of ice cream (with hot fudge and sprinkles, please) and open up a fun book. And today, I did just that. I’m starting Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children, a book I recommended to my mom and she passed back on to me when she finished. The book is full of old (and kind of creepy) pictures of peculiar children, with complementing stories to go with. I’m only a couple chapters in, but the book is starting out similar to Briar Rose, one of my favorite Jane Yolen books. If you’re looking for something fun and fairly quick to read, I’d recommend it so far!

What’s your favorite book to turn to when you’ve had a bad day and need to escape?


  1. I haven’t read this book, but yours is the second blog I read that has recommended it! (The other was Epbot – you should totally check it out if you haven’t already)

    Also I’m sorry you had a bad day. I’m currently re-reading the Harry Potters for the 3rd or 4th time, and that’s always fun. I tried to finish them before the movie came out in July, but I missed the deadline and I’m still on Book 5. Don’t worry, that didn’t stop me from seeing the movie opening weekend! And it was awesome. Harry Potter and Super Mario are my geeky weaknesses (gweeknesses?) 🙂

    Longest comment ever.

  2. I think Epbot is where I originally heard about it! The book is pretty good so far–I’ll let you all know how it is once I’ve finished it.

    And “gweeknesses” is my new favorite word.

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