Happy Friday everyone! This past week kept me busy with shoots and prepping for more shoots. Lots of fun stuff coming up in the future! Let’s take a look at what kept me busy the rest of the week:
Favorite Game: Google Image Breakout
You’ve probably already heard about this, but if not, here you go: Go to Google Images and search for “Atari Breakout.” Be delighted at what happens. Lose an hour of your day. Come back here and thank me.
Favorite Video: Arrested Development Trailer
Guys. GUYS. I’m so excited. I’m planning Arrested Development party posts. I’m crafting recipes. I’m dreaming about the series. I’m playing the trailer on repeat. I think it’s time to break out the Banana Grabber Advent Calendar. 9 days left!!!
Favorite Event: SIFF Opening Night Gala
I attending the opening night gala for the Seattle International Film Festival last night, which just happened to be a showing of Much Ado About Nothing with Joss Whedon, Alexis Denisof, Amy Acker, Nathan Fillion, and Clark Gregg. The movie was a lot of fun (Joss did a great job modernizing the play while keeping the original text), and the after-party was a fantastic way to catch up with all of my friends. This may be one of the few events that brought in both my friends from Seattle’s “geek” community AND my friends from Seattle’s filmmaking community. It may also have been the only time the SIFF Opening Night Gala needed “no prop weapons allowed” signs. Overall, a great time for everyone who attended!
Favorite Post: Troy’s Bagel Bites Casserole
I looked back at old Geeky Hostess posts today, and found out that I posted Troy’s Bagel Bites Casserole recipe exactly one year ago. It felt fitting since NBC announced that the show will be renewed for another season this past week. Enjoy/I’m sorry!
What have you been loving this week?