One of my friends is expecting her first child and posted a link to this Etsy shop on Facebook. I’m in love. Seriously, I need to be invited to more baby showers so I have an excuse to buy these things without asking if they “make them in an adult size.” (It’s embarrassing.)
Geek-a-bye Baby includes geeky bibs, hats, blankets, changing pads, full costumes, nursery art and more–basically anything you would need except for the baby itself. The prices are all really reasonable for handmade gear, and would make fantastic gifts. Check them out!
Have a kid? What’s the geekiest thing they had as a baby?
The baby on the picture was so cute… Thanks for sharing this post it was great!
I caution anyone thinking to order from this business (Geek-A-Bye-Baby). I placed an order and, like many other customers, have never received my order or a response from the business.
Yikes! Good to know, Shana!