When summer hits Seattle, everyone suddenly changes from anti-social Seattleites to extremely friendly neighbors. You say “Hi” to people on sidewalks and in elevators, everyone’s smiling, and everyone wants to get together for impromptu gatherings.
I like to be prepared with food and drink when people come over, so I’ve learned to keep some fun items stocked throughout the summer that are easy to prep and don’t involve an oven. My pantry/fridge/freezer isn’t complete without:
- Chips and salsa (a nice, easy snack)
- Fresh summer fruit (a great alternative to my usual baked goods)
- Ready-to go cocktail, like Teagaritas (a fun alternative to beer or wine)
Teagaritas, if you haven’t heard of them, are a combination margarita and iced tea. It takes Jose Cuervo margaritas, mixes it with orange liqueur and iced tea, and puts it all in a bottle ready for you to serve over ice. I had my friends Kristina and Justin over on a beautifully sunny afternoon to give the cocktail a try (and enjoy some snacks and good company), and the consensus was that Teagaritas are delicious (even to those who don’t normally love iced tea!). It’s a super refreshing drink, and I love that it’s pre-prepared and ready to go. I need to re-stock, but once I do, I plan on giving one of the recipes from Jose Cuervo’s Pinterest a try.
What items do you keep on-hand in the summer? Have you been having a lot of impromptu gatherings? And have you tried Teagaritas?
I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.