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Crafty Geek, Geeky Fashion

May the Force Be With Shoe

Going out on the town? Have a hot date? Looking for the perfect shoe to wear with that formal dress?


Unfortunately, the shoe was featured on a Tumblr with no information. They may not be for sale, but it looks like with a cheap pair of shoes and some decoupage, you may be able to DIY!

Geek Etiquette

Happy New Year!

Champagne cupcakes. Recipe courtesy of “Gimme Some Oven”.

The New Year is a time for beginnings. A time to reflect on what you’d like your life to be, and do something about it. So I will.

I try to pick resolutions that will better myself, but will also be fun to do. (You won’t keep a resolution if you don’t want to do it!)

In the past I’ve attempted to:
-Learn how to make all of my favorite dishes from scratch
-watch more films on the AFI Top 100 list
-Become a more social person

By not putting specifics in your resolutions, you won’t feel guilty or disappointed if you don’t “achieve” it. Just do what you can and know that you’ve become a better person for it!

My resolutions for this year are:
-Make more homemade lunches and dinners
-Devote more of my time to Geeky Hostess

What are yours?

One thing to keep in mind: Don’t stress yourself out. Resolutions are great. But sometimes, you need to relax, look at pretty things, and enjoy a champagne cupcake.

Happy New Year!


Happy Holidays from Geeky Hostess (And Star Wars!)

Apologies for slow posting over the past week… the holidays were full of family time, and now I’m in full swing getting ready for New Year’s Eve. But as a special holiday treat for you all, I present an abridged version of the Star Wars Holiday Special. And holy cow, is it bad.

Happy Life Day to you and yours.

Fun Food, Gift Ideas

Cupcase: A Cute and Practical Stocking Stuffer

I’ve received a few early Christmas gifts, and they’ve all been cupcake-related. (My friends know me so well!)

My fiance gave this to me yesterday and I squealed joys of delight as I realized I’ll never have to eat another stale or squished cupcake. So brilliant!

These adorable cases fit a standard baked cupcake, and has a tiny pin at the top that holds the cake/frosting still to prevent it from crashing to the top.

($2.25 each at

Now I just need to make some cupcakes, and I have my eyes on these ones for New Year’s Eve…

What’s your favorite cupcake recipe?

Geek Etiquette

Send a Tech Support Care Package

Have parents that are technically-inclined? Send them a care-package full of how-to videos created by the Google staff! Videos range from simple (how to copy and paste) to more intermediate, google-specific (how to find the definition of a word or do mathematical equations using Google). The videos are easy to understand, short and sweet, and provide some fun little tips for even the seasoned techy.

Check it out at

Geek Etiquette

“Like” in Real Life

Facebook’s “Like” button has me saying “Like” in real life more than a teenage girl. And that’s saying something.

Which means I’m in love with these “LIke” IRL stickers. Put them on your favorite person, your cute cat, or the tv.

I personally want to wait until someone says something amazing, then put a sticker on their face.

($10 for a pack of 20)

A Geeky Home, Gift Ideas

Give Your Cat the City

Cats are lovely, but we all have to admit: they have a bit of an evil side to them.

So why wouldn’t they love this “Cats Attack” scratching post?

If I thought my cat would use it, I would buy it in a heartbeat. But something tells me she’d rather play in whatever box it comes in.

Available at the always-lovely ThinkGeek for $29.99.

Gift Ideas

Jewelry for DC Comics Lovers

Noir Jewelry made this incredible line of DC comics inspired jewelry.

Gotham City ring, $225

Wonder Woman Necklace, $225

Supergirl Bracelet, $95

Bat Girl Cufflinks (But I think they could be given to a Bat Man as well!), $75

A bit pricey, but worth it for the superwoman in your life.

Check out these pieces and more at NoirJewelrycom.

(Source: Fashionably Geek)