Tag: art

A Geeky Home

Decorate with DNA

DNA 11 creates beautiful prints out of your DNA, fingerprints, and kisses. Showcase some artwork that no one else will have, or put up multiple prints to showcase your family. I think this would be a really neat way to decorate a nursery (and would provide your child with a […]

A Geeky Home

Elegant Alter Egos

Danny Haas has created artwork inspired by our favorite superheroes–and their alter egos. If you have a walk-in closet, I think these pieces would be perfect framed in a series. Parker, Stark, Wayne, and Kent: $17.68 – $52 at Society 6.

A Geeky Home

Super-Size Your Superhero Decor

These wall murals are seriously making me want to redo my living room. Art.com now offers large murals of some great moments from 1960’s Marvel comics. I think the one above is perfect for Seattle–-nerdy, artsy, and talking about rain. Prices range from $124.99 to $279.99, making them an affordable […]