Tag: cats

Geeky Fashion

Impulse Buy: Geeky Cat Dress

I saw this dress show up in my email from Fab.com this morning, and I bought it instantly. I already have a shirt that features a cat wearing glasses (which I lovingly call my “Internet Shirt,”) and this will make a lovely addition to my wardrobe for Spring/Summer. Now if […]


Happy Cat Day!

When I was growing up, April 1st was more than that day where I avoid everyone and everything, it was also our pets’ birthdays. If you don’t know when your pet’s birthday is and you want to do something special once a year for them, April 1st is just an […]

Gift Ideas

Hats for Your Cat

Going home for the holidays means I get some quality time terrorizing the family cat. My mom bought her a couple holiday-themed hats and accessories, but her nerdy collection of hats is sorely lacking. Next time I come down, I’ll be bringing some of the items from SarabiRose‘s Etsy shop. How can […]

Gift Ideas

Plane and Tank For Your Cat

I’ve been eyeing these play houses for my cat for a while, and now that they’re on sale, I think I’m gonna have to get one. The toughest decision: Plane or tank? Cat Play House, $19.99 each (normally $24.99) at ThinkGeek.com.

A Geeky Home, Gift Ideas

Give Your Cat the City

Cats are lovely, but we all have to admit: they have a bit of an evil side to them. So why wouldn’t they love this “Cats Attack” scratching post? If I thought my cat would use it, I would buy it in a heartbeat. But something tells me she’d rather […]