Tag: New Year


Every Recipe I Tried in 2021

Each year, I like to come up with a New Year resolution that encourages me to learn more or pursue my hobbies. In previous years I’ve pledged to watch through the AFI Top 100, learn how to cook my favorite takeout meals, and do more photo shoots with friends. This […]

Blog, Lifestyle

My Resolutions for 2017

2016 has been a busy year over here. I launched a line of natural sprinkles and sugars, had recipes show up in Board Game Bento’s subscription box, did double duty as a sexy goldfish AND sexy Alexander Hamilton, and could even be found hosting Dungeons and Dragons’ and Desert Bus […]


Happy 2014!

  Whew! 2013 was a busy but fantastic year, and I can’t wait to see what 2014 has in store for The Geeky Hostess and myself. But before we get too settled into 2014, I wanted to have a quick look back. In 2013 I: Spoke on and attended panels […]

Holidays, Lifestyle

Happy New Year!

  2012 was an amazing year for Geeky Hostess: I spoke on panels, got to know more of the geek community, appeared on podcasts, and wrote special columns for other sites. I look forward to MUCH more of all of that in 2013–I may have some other surprises up my […]

Geek Etiquette

Happy New Year!

Champagne cupcakes. Recipe courtesy of “Gimme Some Oven”. The New Year is a time for beginnings. A time to reflect on what you’d like your life to be, and do something about it. So I will. I try to pick resolutions that will better myself, but will also be fun […]