Espionage Cosmetics is releasing a new collection today–a set of glitters named after your favorite fictional curse words. The set includes “Gorram,” “Frak,” “Zark,” and “Frell,” and these glitters are GORGEOUS. And because they love you, they want to give one of you a set for free! Just enter below for your chance to win! A new product launch isn’t all Espionage has up its sleeve: Tomorrow (May 1st) is their 3 year anniversary and they’re going to celebrate by having a sale and featuring five new mask nail wraps in a variety of colors! The winner of our contest will ALSO receive the mask nail wraps! So, enter below and then pop on over to to check out their goods, and stop by their Facebook page and congratulate them on the new launch and 3 years of making nerdy makeup!
LOVE that there’s a collection out for sci-fi cursewords… and that “frell” is among them. Farscape needs more love!
I love Espionage Cosmetics. I recently backed one of their Kickstarters and nabbed their glitter galaxy nebula nail wraps. The glitters look gorgeous–“Frell” is definitely a front-runner for me.