You asked, you shall receive. Out of all of the ridiculous Halloween costumes out there, you voted to see me as a sexy shark. I took a trip down to the Seattle Aquarium and my hot tub with my lovely and talented friend Liz Leo and we took some […]
Geeky Fashion: TMNT Dress
A couple weeks ago, these TMNT and Power Rangers dresses were all over the internet. Because I’m a hard-hitting geek fashion journalist, I instantly purchased the TMNT Leonardo dress so I could try it out and report back to you. Once it came, I did what any of us would–surprised […]
Hunger Games Cupcakes from Trophy!
I picked up a dozen cupcakes from Trophy for my Hunger Games Pre-Party last night, and was thrilled to go “behind-the-scenes” to learn how to decorate the cupcakes with the founder, Jennifer. Check it out! Trophy will have the Hunger Games-themed cupcakes all weekend long, so grab some for yourself! […]
Geek Beauty: Eyelashes ala Effie Trinket
In the above ad for China Glaze’s “Hunger Games” nail polish, Effie Trinket is shown sporting some PaperSelf Lashes. Her makeup and lashes would be right at home in the Capitol, where whiskers and body paint are normal beauty trends. But could they be worn around today? I sported […]
Wedding Geekspiration
While planning my wedding, I scoured every wedding blog and site possible for inspiration. Now that I’m done, I hope to give back a bit for those who are now in the midst of planning theirs. So, here are some of the geeky or personal touches we had at our […]
A Geeky Wedding: Tips and Tricks
Guys, wedding planning is tough. I’ve planned large events before and thought I’d have a good grasp on it, but things are a lot tougher when family, emotions, and your own money is involved. If you’re a control freak like me and choose to plan your entire wedding yourself, here […]
An Uninvited Guest
…You never know who will turn up at your wedding! Stay tuned for some tips and tricks on how to have a geeky wedding this week!