Nailed It! Nerd Nail Art by Espionage Cosmetics


Our favorite geeky makeup company is at it again, and this time they’re prettying up our nails. Espionage Cosmetics has launched a Kickstarter Campaign for some “nerdy nail wraps” and I seriously want them all. The wraps include great designs inspired by space, the Ninja Turtles, Cthulhu, zombies, and more. As they hit stretch goals, they’ll release more designs. The campaign itself is essentially a pre-order, so grab your nail wraps now! Pledge $100 or more, and you may get some fun freebies (like glitter eyeliner stickers) if they hit more of their stretch goals.

Really want to treat yourself? For $5,000, you can “Get Espionaged” where they will treat you like rockstars and create an amazing photo shoot starring you, similar to the Pin-Up Wonder Woman one they did with me. Seriously, it’s worth it.

I got to see some nail wrap prototypes in person at VidCon, and they look amazing. I’m most excited for the Ninja Turtle-inspired ones, but will most likely end up buying one of each design they offer.


Go pledge now, then let me know in the comments what designs you’re planning on getting!


  1. These look so awesome! Sadly, they don’t currently ship to Canada 🙁 I’m hoping they manage to arrange something for international shipping before the kickstarter ends!

  2. International shipping unlocked!! Checkout latest few posts – it’ll be updated on Kickstarter soon! <3

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