Movie Roulette

Movie Roulette

A couple weeks ago, I got to attend a fantastic event helmed by Logan Bonner called “Movie Roulette.” The premise was a genius one: Instead of debating with all of your friends on what movie you should watch, everyone brings their movie of choice, one is drawn randomly, and then everyone watches that one.

Logan rented out Central Cinema and we all paid a small cut of the rental fee to attend the event, but a Movie Roulette can happen just as easily at your home. (Having a large theater and a bar/restaurant to be able to serve people is pretty nice, though!) Just instruct your friends to each bring a movie they’d like to show everyone else, but to keep it concealed. Make sure you let them know of any restrictions: Length, rating, nothing too explicit or scary, etc.

When your friends arrive, hand them each a raffle ticket (or have them put their name on a small piece of paper) and then draw the winner. This person’s movie will show! The movie selected for ours was “Thank You For Smoking,” which everyone seemed to love. It was a safe choice, considering some of the weirder options people brought or thought about bringing!

I’m already excited for the next Movie Roulette and am starting to brainstorm early for what movie I can bring. Would you attend a movie roulette night? What movie would you bring with you?


  1. This event was SO FUN, and I can’t wait for another one. Everyone had a great time, and it was well run. The venue was also perfect, with beer and food during the movie.

    I hope this gets a lot more folks to do similar events. ^_^

  2. This is such a cute idea! I think it may also work with game night too. I may have to try this the next time my friends and I get together.

  3. Ooh, I like the idea of a game roulette!

  4. Yeah, Logan and Central Cinema did a great job with the event! Can’t wait for another one!

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