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A Geeky Home

ABCs of Superheroes

What better way to teach your kids their ABCs than with Superheroes? I can see this making an amazing theme for a nursery… Paint a cityscape backdrop, hang this print, and have a nice cape on a coat hanger in the corner. So cute!

Print available from society6, starting at $13.99.

Crafty Geek

DIY: Zelda Treasure Chest

(cross-posted from my other site,

Pkmnjunky7 put together a video and Instructables sheet on how to make a Zelda Treasure Chest with sounds. And it’s AMAZING.

Directions to make your own can be found at

What would you put in your Zelda Treasure Chest?

Fun Food

Make Your Own Peeps

Easter candy is invading shelves at the grocery store, and it’s taking all my will power not to sit down in the middle of the aisle with piles of candy and eat until I’m sick.

If you want to pig out on Easter candy in the privacy of your own home, then I recommend you make your own peeps. Heck, pull out your geeky cookie cutters and make some sugary pac-men and ghosts!

Twig and Thistle showcased all of the DIY details on her blog a couple years back. Check it out!

Geeky Fashion

Lego Dress

This weekend, Fergie rocked a Lego dress at the Kids’ Choice Awards.

What are your thoughts? Would you wear this? (I’m personally loving it, as long as the dress is well-lined!

(Source: BuzzFeed)

Geeky Fashion

Harry Potter Jewelry

I’ve been finding some fabulous Harry Potter-inspired jewelry lately, and it’s making me really want to pick up and head out to Hogwarts. Or at least the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Always jealous you didn’t get into Hogwarts? Let your friends think you did.
$45 on Etsy.

Keep the snitch close to you with this snitch necklace. And bonus: It opens to show a watch!
$24.99 at Etsy.

Have a magical day!

A Geeky Home

Go To New Heights

Geeky Dad created the coolest thing. He’ll be ensuring that his little girl grows up geeky with his self-made height chart.

You can download your own to print here.

And if your kids keep eating their vegetables, they too can one day grow to the size of Vader! (Probably not. But if they do, you may have some basketball scholarships coming your way!)

A Geeky Home

Build A Fort

When was the last time you’ve built a fort? A group in San Diego would like to know:

Forts and the Inbetween from Wesley Bruce on Vimeo.

They’re encouraging you to build forts and safe spaces where you can freely be yourself and use your imagination. The video starts off a bit like a Wes Anderson film, and I’m not entirely sure why these people are dangerously jumping down hills, but the premise is still a fun one. Why not build a fort tonight? And then send them a pic. Your fort may make it on their site!

Just make sure it doesn’t get too out of control, and keep the chase scenes to a minimum:

A Geeky Home

Beautiful Batman Mirror

This gorgeous mirror has a secret. As the product site says, “The rumor has is that the one who dares to gaze at it long enough would see a certain superhero symbol unravel.” It’s nice enough that it can be placed anywhere in your home, and your non-nerdy friends may not even notice! It’s a bit spendy, but if you can afford it, it would make the perfect addition to your own batcave.

Bat Mirror, 290 Euros.


Spiderman Musical: Watch it Online

No, it’s not the big-budget Broadway production you’ve been hearing all about. But it’s still fun! The Spidey Project is a collaborative theater project: they wanted to create a zero-budget Spiderman Musical in 30 days. And they DID. If you’ve ever wanted to see a decent musical parody of a Spiderman origin story, then I recommend you take a look.