Tag: Doubleclicks

Friday Favorites, Uncategorized

Weekly Links: February 23

It’s been an eventful week! Thanks to you all, the Geeky Sprinkle Kickstarter funded at 110% and Geeky Sprinkles are a thing that will happen! The rest of the week has been full of celebrating, recuperating from the Kickstarter, and getting to work. While resting, I happened upon some fun […]

Geek Etiquette

Why I Wear Pink

Today, The Doubleclicks premiered a video for their song “Nothing to Prove” and I’m proud to have been a (small) part of it. You can see my cameo from 1:43-1:47! So today, I wanted to take a bit of time to share my story. You see, pink is not my […]

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites: July 5

I hope you survived the 4th and got a chance to relax! Here are some of my favorite things from the past week: Favorite Kickstarter: Jetpack Unicorn My friends Kristina and Joe teamed up with Wyrd to Kickstart a game based on some “Would You Rather” videos they created together. […]


Tara’s at GeekGirlCon!

GeekGirlCon is this weekend, and I can’t wait! I’m looking forward to finding new goodies at the exhibitor hall, sitting in on some lectures, and catching up with old friends. Going to GeekGirlCon? Here are some things you can’t miss: The Masquerade. I’ll be co-hosting the Masquerade Saturday at 5pm. […]