Weekly Links: February 23

funded fix

It’s been an eventful week! Thanks to you all, the Geeky Sprinkle Kickstarter funded at 110% and Geeky Sprinkles are a thing that will happen! The rest of the week has been full of celebrating, recuperating from the Kickstarter, and getting to work. While resting, I happened upon some fun links. Check them out!

The Best “Let It Go” Cover Ever: I enjoyed Frozen and I thought “Let it Go” was a nice song, but haven’t been as obsessed as a lot of people I know. But I am absolutely obsessed with this cover. It’s so, so well done, and I get chills every time I watch it. Plus the costuming is beautiful. It’s just amazing.

Penny Arcade: I’m loving this particular comic by Penny Arcade. Yay accidental math! Games are great!

The Doubleclicks “Tabletop Games”: The Doubleclicks were on Tabletop this past week, and posted a fantastic song/video that includes the titles of every game played on Tabletop. It’s super fun and has a lot of great cameos!

Girl Scout Cookie Recipe Contest: I’m a finalist in the Girl Scout Cookie Recipe Contest, and it’s your last chance to vote for me! Voting ends on February 27th. You just have to click on the link, click the “Cookie Butter” recipe, then click “Submit!” So easy!

One Comment

  1. Congratulations on your Kickstarter success!

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