Tag: family


My Dad’s Headed to the Congo!

A while back, I mentioned that my parents won a contest by Scottevest to take the “trips of their lives.” They went to Italy for the honeymoon they never had, and today my Dad’s off to the second part: The Congo, where he’ll be exploring and taking photos of mines, orphanages, […]

Geek Etiquette

Geek Etiquette: Tech Help

Most geeks have been there. Whether it’s a late-night call from a friend or a quick request while visiting relatives, we’ve had to provide technical assistance. Hey, a lot of us have even needed help ourselves! I’m great at solving problems in CSS to get a site working correctly, but […]


Experience Their Trip of a Life

As I had mentioned before, my parents entered (and won!) a “Trip of Their Lives” from Scottevest. Their prize is a two-parter: the first trip is to Italy for the honeymoon they never had, and the second part will be a photo-journalistic trip to Congo that my dad will be taking later […]


Dad’s Famous Pie Recipe

For Pi Day, I went to the best pie maker I know: my dad. I’ve had pie-loving friends rave over his pies, and he’s especially well known for his pie crust. Today I present to you his famous blueberry pie recipe!  The first step is making the filling.  Mix the […]

Geek Etiquette

Give My Dad the Trip of his Life

Christmas time is all about giving. If I can help give my dad the trip of his life without spending any money, then I’m doing pretty well. He entered Scottevest’s “Trip of a Lifetime” contest. This will mean he can finally go on that “National Geographic” style photo assignment he’s […]

Geek Etiquette

Show off your Geeky Family

Those stick figure family decals are over-rated. And from an episode of Dexter I saw, can potentially lead to your son being kidnapped. Just saying. Show other cars that your family’s the best with these geeky family decals: Kelly Kreations on Etsy has a variety of fun (and mostly geeky) […]

Geek Etiquette

Send a Tech Support Care Package

Have parents that are technically-inclined? Send them a care-package full of how-to videos created by the Google staff! Videos range from simple (how to copy and paste) to more intermediate, google-specific (how to find the definition of a word or do mathematical equations using Google). The videos are easy to […]