Tag: Geek Etiquette

Geek Etiquette

Tara’s Resolutions for 2014

Before we get into my resolutions for 2014, I want to share a bit about the above picture. This is the product pic for a necklace my dear friend Liz gave me. Whenever I need a little pick-me-up or am about to handle something big and scary, I put it on. Although […]

Geeky Fashion

Fashionably Late Watches

I HATE being late. In an ideal world, I’d get everywhere 15 minutes early, and I used to successfully do it. Now? Multiple activities, clients, and meetings means that I’m always rushing somewhere, and sometimes I can’t help but be a few minutes late. Perhaps I’m missing one of the […]


Help Me Become a Geek and Sundry Vlogger!

I submitted my new “Geek Etiquette” vlog to Geek and Sundry’s vlogger search, and I’ve moved on to the “community feedback” portion. Basically, Geek and Sundry wants to know if you would be interested in a regular Geek Etiquette show. If you’d like to see me chatting about etiquette tips […]

Friday Favorites

Friday Favorites: June 14

It’s June 14th. This means a few things: Summer is only about a week away! Job Hunters starts shooting season 2 tomorrow! I’m on very little sleep! It’s my parents’  anniversary! Yay for love! So pretty much, all of the excitement forever. Take a look at my favorites for this […]

Geek Etiquette


Well, I never thought I’d type that word into a Geeky Hostess post. Anyway, the newest Satire video takes a look at how adults would use the word “YOLO,” and features lil ol’ me! Take a look and share it with a teenager in your life–the hope is that if […]

Geek Etiquette

Geek Etiquette: How To Approach A Geek

There has been a lot of talk lately of women being harassed, insulted, and assaulted at conventions and other public gatherings. This is a terrible thing, and while it’s no excuse for their actions, some of the time the experiences can be attributed to the fact that the harasser didn’t […]

Geek Etiquette

Geek Etiquette: Send a Letter!

Do you remember the last time you got a card or letter from a friend out of the blue? I can barely remember the last time I got a piece of physical mail that wasn’t junk. But those rare days that I see a hand-written envelope in my mailbox from […]

Geek Etiquette

Geek Etiquette: Tech Help

Most geeks have been there. Whether it’s a late-night call from a friend or a quick request while visiting relatives, we’ve had to provide technical assistance. Hey, a lot of us have even needed help ourselves! I’m great at solving problems in CSS to get a site working correctly, but […]

Geek Etiquette

Geek Etiquette: Twitter

The Geeky Hostess is gonna help you get your manners on! Each Monday, we’ll focus on a topic of etiquette. We’ll take a look at the classic rules (using Emily Post as a guide), and then evaluate the rules for our daily lives, creating a guide to “Geek Etiquette.” Have an […]