Tag: geek

Blog, Geeky Fashion

MOAR Nail Wraps From Espionage Cosmetics!

Today, Espionage Cosmetics launched their second Kickstarter. If you missed out on their nail wraps the first time, need to refill your stock, or (like me) just can’t wait to get the new designs, you’ve gotta pledge now. The nail wraps are geeky, beautiful, and easy to use, and this […]


You Know You’re a Geek When…

This past weekend, I chatted with a bunch of cosplayers at PAX Prime and put together a fun little video on what makes you a geek. Check it out! This is one of the weekly videos made on the new Satire YouTube channel, a project created by Mr. Geek. You’ll be […]

Geeky Fashion

Geeky Louboutin Shoes

If you’re like me, you’ve always dreamed about getting a pair of Christian Louboutins: their red sole and great style is a must-have. Now that I see he’s made a style with geeks in mind, how can I not spend my savings on a pair? Seriously. These would go with […]

Gift Ideas

Adorable Geeky Onesies

  Geekling Designs has some of the best geeky onesies I’ve seen in a very long time. Every time I tried to pick a favorite, more incredible ones came along. If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, Star Wars, math, Doctor Who, Nintendo, or pretty much any other geek thing, […]