Tag: nostalgia

Blog, Fun Food

SURGE is Back!

Did you know there was a group called “The Surge Movement“? And did you know that they accomplished their goal of getting Coca-Cola to bring back SURGE? The citrus soda, Coca-Cola’s answer to Mountain Dew, is back in 16 oz. cans on Amazon.com only. Whether you want to relive your childhood […]

Fun Food, Recipes

DIY Push-Up Pops

Remember Push-Up Pops? Now remember the “Pebble” Push-Up Pops with nerds inside? I grew up on these things. It wasn’t summer if these weren’t in the freezer. I started getting a hankering for them over the last couple weeks, and realized how ridiculously easy it would be to make them […]


PSA: Ryan Gosling in Are You Afraid of the Dark

I was introducing Mr. Geek to Are You Afraid of the Dark last night, and the random episode we picked happened to have a young Ryan Gosling in it. Crazy! You’ll recognize him instantly. Just thought everyone should know. And Gilbert Gottfried. Sorry about that. (You can see part two […]

Fun Food

Nostalgic Food on Amazon

We all have a favorite food from our childhood that just isn’t around anymore. Sometimes it’s for the best–that cereal or instant mac and cheese just may not taste good to our palates anymore, and we should remember it fondly through the eyes of nostalgia. But every once in a […]