PUBG is one of the hottest games out there right now, and it’s making the phrase “Winner Winner, Chicken Dinner” a serious term that all esports players are vying for. But whether you play or not, a delicious chicken dinner is easily within your reach. For those not in the […]
Tag: recipe
Night Owl Mug Cake
We’ve all had those nights: the ones where you’re up in the wee hours, working feverishly on a new creative project. It’s pitch black outside, quiet inside, and the glow of your computer screen displaying how to make espresso is lighting up the room. I’m normally a morning person, but […]
Dipper’s Trail Mix Cookies
When I go camping with my friends, I often want to bring some sort of treat, but cupcakes and foofy desserts just don’t seem to be appropriate. So I put together this cookie for the next occasion! This trail mix cookie is yummy, hearty, and easier than carrying a […]
Ghostbuster Cocktail
It’s here! Ghostbusters Day! I’ve been waiting a while for this movie to come out, and I can’t wait to finally see it. I enjoyed the first two Ghosbusters films, love Paul Feig, and love all of the ladies in the new one. Plus, I’m all about supporting films […]
Goat Cheese and Bacon Tarts and the Outlander Cookbook
By now, I’m sure you’ve heard of Outlander. The book series-turned Starz series has captured the attention of so many. And while most of us focus on, umm, other scenes, Theresa Carle-Sanders has chosen to focus on its food. The creator of, Theresa has made a name making historical and character-based […]
Strawberry Shortcake Day is Almost Here!
It’s June. The sun is shining, temperature is climbing, and everyone in Seattle is complaining about their home’s lack of A/C. Clearly, summer is almost here. And with summer comes one of the tastiest desserts: strawberry shortcake! National Strawberry Shortcake Day is right around the corner (on Tuesday, June 14th!) and […]
Sparkling Strawberries
Every year, I look forward to spring and summer for one specific reason: the fruit. Fruit is so cheap, delicious, and plentiful then, and I just can’t get enough! Right now I’m loving all of the giant, plump strawberries available everywhere. And while I often eat them by themselves (or […]
Hamilton’s Shot
If you have spent any time with me recently or follow me on any social media, you’re probably aware that I’ve been obsessed with Hamilton. And honestly, you should be obsessed with it too. For those of you who haven’t heard of it, Hamilton: An American Musical is a Broadway […]
Apocalypse Nownies and The Art of Eating Through the Zombie Apocalypse
A few weeks ago, in honor of the Season 6 premiere of The Walking Dead, I received a review copy of The Art of Eating Through the Zombie Apocalypse. Now, I originally thought this would be a series of zombie-themed recipes, but what I didn’t expect is that this book would […]
Girl Scout Cookie Millionaire Bars
Who run the world? Girls. And this year, the Girl Scouts are making it even easier for girls to learn awesome entrepreneurship and sales skills while making it even easier for us to get our cookie fix. Girl Scouts have personalized online stores where friends and relatives can purchase cookies […]