Are You Going to SDCC?


San Diego Comic Con is coming up soon, and I’m in the process of finalizing plans, booking panels/press time, and planning out parties. There are two things I’m currently looking for. If you’re attending comic con or know people who are, spread the word on the two questions below! We may be able to form an awesome partnership or beautiful friendship!

  • Looking for a room? My friend Rachael and I have space for two more ladies in our room. It would be $600 each for a room from Wednesday through Monday morning. We’re fun, low maintenance, are out for most of the day/evening, but aren’t crazy partiers. Join us! Alternatively, if you are an awesome lady who has room for two more in your room, let’s chat, compare prices, and consolidate into one room that saves everyone some money! Contact me for more info
  • Own a business in the gaslight district? I’m throwing around some ideas in my head for a party/event/pop-up shop, and I would love to find a boutique, bar, restaurant, or cupcake shop in the area that would be interested in hosting. It should be a lot of fun and will bring in a great group of people! Interested? Contact me!

Are you going to Comic Con? What are you most excited to see? Anything you want me to make sure I cover?


  1. I told myself I was going to go to ComicCon this year… I got my member ID and put a reminder on my calendar for the day tickets went on sale. But, I chickened out. Don’t ask what exactly I’m afraid of… I have no idea.
    Next year though, next year.

    I hope you two have fun! I haven’t kept up with what’s going to be there this year 🙁 I think The Mortal Instruments/City of Bones crew will be there. Just started reading that. Don’t know if I love the book yet… But, I do love Robert Sheehan and he’s in the cast, so you should probably cover that. Anything Avengers. And I want to see lots of Cosplay pictures!

  2. Aww, bummer on the chickening out! Next year for sure! I just kind of up and went last year (by myself) and ended up having a great time and making a lot of friends. Now I can’t wait to go back!

    I will DEFINITELY get lots of cosplay and geek fashion pics and I’ll see if they let me get close to any celebs or big panels. 😉

  3. I was on vacation in LA during SDCC last year, so my friend & I did take the train down for a day. I think you tweeted a picture from a rooftop bar (or someone did); we tried to find that place because, having no tickets to anything, we though it would be an excellent people watching spot. Never did find it, but that one day walking around San Diego really made me want to see the city (which I did earlier this year) and of course Comic-Con (from the INSIDE next time though!).

  4. Yeah! The rooftop deck was a great people watching point, but I believe it was closed down for a party. I agree–I want to go back to San Diego some time just to explore on its own!

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