Game of Thrones Cookies Cutters

Game of Thrones Cookies

I’m anxiously waiting for the Game of Thrones season finale tomorrow, and thought I’d help the time go by a bit faster by making some Game of Thrones sigil cookies!

I received these amazing 3D-printed sigil cookie cutters from WarpZone Prints. They have cookie cutters in pretty much every fandom you can imagine–it’s AMAZING.

The cutters were easy to use (I made Warpzone’s recommended sugar cookie recipe, which is delicious!), but as you can see, some houses are easier to see than others. The Stark sigil turned out amazing every time, and I had decent luck with Lannister and Baratheon, but darn it, Targaryen’s 3-headed dragon just didn’t want to turn out. I think the cutter had too much detail for the cookies I was making. But overall, I’m really excited with how they turned out!

You can pick up a set of the house sigils here!

What are you doing to prep for the finale? #nospoilers


  1. Sadly, it doesn’t matter what recipe you use – the Targaryen one NEVER comes out clear. I have about 20 different cutters from this company and most of them are awesome, but there are some that just never turn out. The Supernatural sigils and the dalek are hard to work with, too.

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  3. Hi,

    How did you get your cookies to come out so perfect?
    I’ve tried twice and completely gave up.
    I tried using a pre-baked cookie dough at first and it failed, then i went on to use a sugar cookie recipe i found online.
    On both attempt the cookies just expanded and lost it’s shape.

  4. A lot of sugar cookies will end up rising way too much, as you’ve seen! I’d recommend using the sugar cookie recipe linked in the post, or try a shortbread recipe. Those won’t rise as much. Good luck!

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