Geek Fit: Fashionable Covers for your Exercise Ball

I’d say I spend 80% of the time that I’m awake in front of a computer. On weekdays I’m at my computer all day at work, and then come home to check up on emails, write blog posts, and watch shows online. I’ve been wanting to find a way to incorporate a bit of exercise into my day, and I’ve heard decent things about exercise balls. With myBall, I’m even more excited to get one, because I can essentially decorate my ball however I want (and I’m loving their giant globe pattern, which I hear will be available in 2013).

myBall is a great new company that creates fashionable, comfortable, and washable covers for your exercise balls. The covers include a handle, so if you take the ball to and from rooms or locations, you can move it easily. They’ll even do special covers for companies and have already done orders for Levis. They’re in the middle of their IndieGoGo campaign right now, and you can essentially pre-order your ball cover there.

Do you use an exercise ball at work or home? What are your thoughts? Will people laugh at me when I inevitably fall off of mine?

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