Geek Girl Con Wrap-Up

(Photo from EMP Museum’s Flickr stream.)

I had an absolutely fabulous time at the first Geek Girl Con. I bought stuff from the vendor room, painted miniatures, attended the Offbeat Empire party, met fellow lady-geeks, and attended some really great panels. One of my favorite panels was Killing Cattiness and Creating Community. They discussed a variety of causes of cattiness, but I was encouraged by their steps to deter it. Us current geek girls must think of ourselves as the “Elders of the Internet”; we should be available to encourage and teach the new geeklings instead of feeling competitive or protective of our hobbies. We should foster positive treatment by putting out positive vibes and celebrating each other. I’m a huge believer in positivity on the internet, and would love to see more. I encourage all of you to email, tweet, or Facebook a Geek Girl you admire and let them know why. Let’s show the internet that we can come together as a community and celebrate each other for who we are and what makes us special! Geek Girl Con would want it.

Did you attend Geek Girl Con? Leave a comment with your favorite part!

One Comment

  1. All of it, pretty much.

    The wonderwoman documentary panel was the highlight of my Saturday. I think Skepchicks won Sunday, but barely. So much, so good!

    And getting to become acquainted with blogs of likeminded people, just BEING a place with likeminded people, it was glorious.

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