Geeky Cross Stitch Templates

cross stitch

Looking for a fun summer project? Take up cross stitching! created some geeky cross stitch patterns that you can download for free. They represent fandoms including Back to the Future, Mario, Doctor Who, Star Wars, Legend of Zelda, and Minecraft. If you get started now, these could make really cute (and relatively inexpensive) holiday gifts for your friends!

Find the patterns here!


  1. These are cute! I’ve cross-stitched in the past. Never found it difficult, but I lacked the patience to ever finish one… Since that is my favorite quote from Doctor Who, maybe I’ll give it another shot.

    I like the thought that we’re all stories in the end… I hope I do something worth telling stories about in the future.

  2. I agree! It’s such a fantastic quote, and a great way to feature a fun fandom. Just re-watch your fave episode or two while doing it, and you should be done before you know it!

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