Giveaway: Espionage Cosmetics ECCC Collection

Emerald City Promo Poster

My favorite geeky cosmetics company is making history today: They’re the first makeup company in geeky history to be asked to launch a con exclusive. Presenting: The “EC Collectors Edition!”

The colors are perfect for the Emerald City and any woman who wants to look a bit more like a superhero. And with names like “Variant” and “Origin Story,” they’re just too fun not to use. Check out the descriptions, in order from top to bottom, below:

First Appearance

It’s like falling in love… except more badass. That moment you flip through the pages and meet a new character for the first time. One that sparkles and shines but still makes you green with envy of their awesomeness. This mixture of gold and kryptonite, your first appearance on the scene definitely won’t be your last.


From the depths of darkness rises a new shade of awesome — Variant. For those smoky dark-eyed nights when a regular black just won’t do, this dark charcoal throws in flashes of copper sparkle to show off a special edition look of seduction.


The only thing better than being the hero of your own universe is the almighty crossover. This cosmetic-grade glitterbomb of awesome green, silver, and copper is certain to name you the reigning hero wherever you go.

Origin Story

If we don’t learn from the past, we’re doomed to repeat it. But in some cases, that’s okay — especially when it shines. With shimmering yellow and sparkling gold, Origin Story doesn’t just tell the world where you came from, it paves the road for awesomeness ahead.

You can pick up your collection at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle from March 1-3. Can’t make it to the con? Win a set below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I really like the origin story color it’s so sparkly!

  2. They’re all just so pretty! Cross-over though, has got to be my favorite.

  3. Crossover is so Sparkly but I would wear First appearance all the time. It is a great collection.

  4. I love first appearance, and the rest would be super fun to play with too!

  5. Really loving Crossover! …though I’m sure that surprises no one.

  6. I think Variant will become my go to color.

    Not to mention Espionage makes an amazing product which is made all the better by an amazing team full of kick butt geek ladies.

  7. Crossover is the one I’m loving most!

  8. Variant, First Appearance, and Crossover are so PRETTY! Variant would match more of my outfits, but I’m such a sucker for green. Tough choices!

  9. I think I like first appearance! This is an awesome partnership, though! (:

  10. Variant looks so amazing!

  11. Love them all but Crossover is my favorite!!

  12. I love Origin Story. It is so much a favorite color of mine!

  13. love the origin story, very pretty

  14. Crossover is definitely my favourite. It’s so sparkly and colourful!

  15. Crossover is absolutely fabulous! I would love to have that color in my collection!

  16. Oh man, I just want all of them! I would really love to see what Variant looks like on my skin though~

  17. Wow! I can’t pick just one favorite! They’re all great!

  18. Oh, they are all so pretty, but I think I like Crossover best. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  19. I am so proud of our entire EC team and our supporters. A lit of hard work goes into creating epic awesomeness and they are amazing at it. Thank you to everyone who has a hand in this 🙂

  20. these color are awesome :3 I wish i could get them in europe.

  21. Aw I wish I could go! Everything in Seattle is awesome. 🙁

  22. I am torn between Crossover and First Appearance. I guess if I had to pick just one, I’d choose Crossover.

  23. This shoot was so much fun! The whole team totally rocked it! I’m excited to see the poster in-person at ECCC!

  24. I love origin Crossover!

  25. origin story! I’ve been super loving golds, lately.

  26. I think I like the Origin Story color the best. I love golden colors.

  27. Origin Story! I want to sparkle!

  28. ^^ And by Origin Story, I meant Crossover. I can’t read. :/ Haha.

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