Hemingway’s Ghost Cocktail By 3 Howls

Hemingway's Ghost Cocktail

I had the pleasure of exploring the 3 Howls Distillery in SODO a couple weeks back and trying some of their delicious spirits. (I’m a huge fan of their banana, blood orange, and rosemary vodkas!) Their spirits are made by geeks–the distillers have backgrounds in science and tech, and use those in their practice. For instance, they use vapor infusions for their spirits! You know that we love geeks here, and they love us as well. So much, in fact, that they wanted to make a geeky cocktail just for us!

They took the idea of a Hemingway Daiquiri and used a bit of science know-how to turn it into a beautifully layered cocktail. I like to think of it as Hemingway’s Ghost: The middle layer floats among the other two clear layers, based on the weight of each layer. It’s the perfect cocktail for Halloween, and the layering “trick” helps make this “treat” perfect. Grab yourself a couple quick supplies and make yourself some Hemingway’s Ghosts for your Halloween party!

Hemingway’s Ghost



  1. Pour Maraschino Liqueur into the bottom of a glass.
  2. Shake the grapefruit and lime juices in a shaker with ice. Pour the juice mixture on top of a spoon right above the liquid already in the glasss. Let the juice run down the inside of the glass from the spoon.
  3. For the top layer, pour the rum into the spoon in the same manner as the juice.
  4. Serve and enjoy! You can enjoy the cocktail as-is to taste the indivual ingredients, or you can gently mix them together after the “ooh”s, “ahh”s, and pictures have stopped.

Have you made a layered drink before? What’s your fave concoction? Let me know in the comments! And special thanks again to 3 Howls for providing the recipe. Check out all of their awesome spirits!


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