These are strange times we’re in. While almost all of us are sheltering-in-place and keeping physical distance for others to help flatten the curve of COVID-19, many events have had to be canceled. And while the introvert side of me is loving the chance to catch up on my tv […]
Tag: blog
Become a Criminal with Cat and Canary
If I gave you the chance to commit some crimes–pickpocketing, theft, and fraud to name a few–and get away with it, would you? I had the opportunity to do just that a couple weeks ago, and while it wasn’t technically real (I am posting about this publicly, after all), it […]
Roasted Porg
Yes, yes, I know we all had the same reaction to those new creatures in Star Wars: The Last Jedi: They looked positively delicious! Chewie had the right idea when he decided to roast one up. Porgs are abundant on Ahch-To, have plump little bodies, and I have a sneaky suspicion […]
Dave & Busters-inspired Brookie Sundae Tower Recipe
Dave and Busters recently opened up a location in Washington, and this opening allowed me to finally attend something I had heard about for years. While I had heard about the games and fun environment, no one ever told me about their outrageous food and drink menu. Seriously: it’s bonkers. […]
Custom Wine Bottles with Wine Greeting
Bottles of wine are such an easy, go-to gift, and if you’re like me, you often pick a bottle based off of the label/name. But sometimes, the right wine (and label) just doesn’t exist. For instance, what do you get your friend for Christmas that says “you’re more badass than […]
The Best Gifts for a Geeky Secret Santa
So you’ve been given a name for a Secret Santa, and your recipient is a bit of a geek. You want to get them something fun, but don’t know much about their interests and don’t know where to start. Never fear, The Geeky Hostess is here! Whether you’re not-so-geeky or […]
Geeky Holiday (And Every Other Day) Sweaters
I had an amazing Thanksgiving with my family, but as soon as the day was over, it was time to break out the holiday decorations, make lists of presents, and put on my amazing new Wonder Woman sweater from While taking a break from eating leftovers, I made my […]
Geeky Black Friday/Small Business Saturday Deals 2017
Ok, listen. Retail therapy is real and scoring a ridiculous deal gives me the most amazing natural high. So I’m going to share with you some of the best deals I’ve found for the upcoming Tofurkey Day weekend. Whether you celebrate Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, or Cyber Monday, you’ll […]
Cake Decorating Trends for 2017
As I said in my last post, one of my resolutions this year is to learn how to properly decorate cakes. So I thought I’d do a bit of research on the hot trends in cake and cupcake decorating. Here are some of the hottest decorating trends designed by, […]
It’s Cookie Decorating Season!
Get out your favorite cookie cutters and recipes, and stock up on fun sprinkles and natural sugars: Cookie Decorating Season is here! Save 25% on your entire Geeky Hostess order today through Monday, November 28th. Just head on over to and use code “COOKIE”. Are you outside of […]