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Crafty Geek

Star Wars Craft Book

If you look around your house and say, “This is nice, but I really need more Jabba the Hutt body pillows”, then I have the book for you.

Bonnie Burton has created a Star Wars Craft Book that’s now available for pre-order. The book will be released on March 29th. You can expect to find projects for toys, holidays, home decor, and wearables.

The Star Wars Craft Book is available from for $11.78.

Gift Ideas

Loot: Daily Deals for Gamers

I posted this on today, but it was to cool so I thought I’d share with all of you as well!

Loot is the gamer’s version of Woot. Instead of random daily deals with snarky writing, you get daily discounts on games and gaming equipment.

Today’s Loot is a 4-pack of gaming paper for $6.40. Not bad if you plan on DMing in the near future!

Loot’s only been around for a few days, and previous days have included discounted board games, including Tiki Mountain and Nobis. Keep checking it out for easy and inexpensive ways to grow your gaming collection!


Awkward Embraces

If you’re a fan of awesome web series written by and starring women (The Guild, anyone?), then make sure you’re checking out Awkward Embraces.

Awkward Embraces focuses on the dating lives of three girls, one of which is super geeky. If you like embarrassing moments, girl talk, and your fair share of Star Trek references, then you’d love it.

Just like The Guild, it took me an episode or two to get into it, but now I can’t get enough. Check out more episodes at!

Fun Food, Geek Etiquette

Happy Pi Day!

If you haven’t already heard, today is Pi Day. And while most blogs use it as a chance to post about pies, I say screw that. (Long live the cupcake!). Take today to appreciate the actual subject matter: Pi itself.

How many decimals to you know? The Pi Trainer can help you learn more! impress your friends, and make them think you spent EVERY Saturday in high school memorizing. Once you’ve learned your goal amount, go ahead and reward yourself with a slice of the other kind of pi(e).

Geek Etiquette

Prepare for Disaster

With the earthquake in Japan yesterday and warnings of tsunamis today, people are (rightfully) evaluating their disaster plans. I saw an interesting (and likely made up) statistic recently that stated people are more likely to have a plan for the zombie apocalypse than they do for things like flood and earthquake. Althugh not necessarily true for everyone, I know my friends and I have talked more at length about how to kill zombies than what to do if a large storm or natural diaster hits. And because of that, I encourage everyone to put together a disaster plan and a Go-bag.

The city of San Francisco has put together this great disaster site, titled Check it out, learn a few things, then talk to your roommates and make a plan.

If you have other suggestions of great sites or resources for disasters, please list them in the comments!

Geeky Fashion, Gift Ideas

Decoder Rings for Grown-Ups

I’ve always wanted a decoder ring. I never got them in my cereal boxes, never got an offer in the back of my comic books. Thankfully, Think Geek just came out with one for me.

These stainless steel rings look amazing, and the decoding options? ENDLESS. Get them for a group of your friends and relive the days of coding your crushes’ names in notes. Or send them along with a coded invite to a spy-themed party. Either way, I can’t wait for mine to get here.

$15.99 from

Geek Etiquette

DnD Love

Dungeons and Dragons can be a great way to get to know a new friend or love interest, but at some point you need to leave the campaign and go on a real date…

Send this sweet song to the person you want to get to know better, and see if they get the hint.


4D6: Adventure in a Drink

Last night I had the pleasure of visiting Mistral Kitchen with my friend Lisa, where we tried their now famous 4D6.

When ordering a 4D6, you are presented with four wooden dice out of a rich, leather bag. The dice feature different types of spirits and flavors that your drink will then be made from. And you’re warned from the start: No re-rolls.

Lisa took initiative and rolled first. Her drink? Tequila, herbal, dry, aromatic. Mine? Absinthe, fruit, brandy, and bitter. We munched on a cheese plate and wondered what our drinks would end up tasting like. Mine tasted like a fancy cough syrup, not so tasty. But Lisa’s was amazing: herbal, sweet, smooth, with a bit of tang from the tequila. Amazing.

You never know what you’re going to get, but it’s always an adventure!

(Mistral Kitchen filled up quick on a Wednesday, so reservations are encouraged. We were lucky to grab a seat at the counter where we saw them prepare some gorgeous plates for those eating dinner.)

The 4D6 is $12, at Mistral Kitchen.

Gift Ideas, Weddings

Meteorite Rings: For Love That’s Out-Of-This-World

One of the toughest part of planning a wedding can be finding the perfect wedding rings: the ones that don’t look or feel like any old thing, but the one that you can wear for the rest of your life.

And these rings may very well be it.

Made by jewelrybyjohan and available on his Etsy shop, these meteorite rings are classy, elegant, and just the tiniest bit nerdy. Johan uses a variety of different metals and materials for his rings, resulting in a unique piece in the style you want.

Prices of the meteorite rings range from $444 to $1,976, and are available on his Etsy shop.

Geeky Fashion

Binary Necklace

mariaeife has created a great collection of felted binary necklaces, for the hip geek.

The colors and statement-piece are very “now” while the binary is stylish enough to only be seen by those who are in the know.

Unfortunately, the binary does not spell anything, but that doesn’t have to stop you from telling people it spells your name.

$38 at

(Source: The Daily What)