Patience is a Virtue

I’ve recently begun learning how to make ice cream. The biggest things I’ve learned? Be patient and follow directions. Now, this is hard for a lot of us geeks. We want to throw out instructions and recipes and say “we know a better way!” However, I’ve learned it might be better to learn the basics before I start to customize the recipes and get fancy with myself. Or else my ice cream making experience may end up a bit more like this:

So, I attempted to make a Nutella swirl ice cream similar to that I had in Rome. I followed the recipe exactly, but felt that I could get to the most important step (eating the ice cream) quicker if I froze the mixture for 2 hours instead of putting it in the fridge for 8. Needless to say, it didn’t work. The next day, I tried again after fully letting everything freeze and cool, and it turned out perfect. Patience is worth it!

Give the recipe a try for yourself (and keep an eye out for many more ice cream/sorbet recipes to come)!

French Vanilla Ice Cream (from the KitchenAid Mixer Recipe Book) with Nutella Swirl:
2.5 cups half-and-half
8 egg yolks
1 cup sugar
2.5 cups whipping cream
4 teaspoons vanilla
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup Nutella

In medium saucepan over medium heat, heat half-and-half until very hot but not boiling, stirring often. Remove from heat; set aside.

Place egg yolks and sugar in mixer bowl. Attach bowl and wire whip to mixer. Turn to Speed 2 and mix about 30 seconds, or until well blended and slightly thickened. Continuing on Speed 2, very gradually add half-and-half; mix until blended. Return half-and-half mixture to medium saucepan; cook over medium heat until small bubbles form around edge and mixture is steamy, stirring constantly. Do not boil. Transfer half-and-half mixture into large bowl; stir in whipping cream, vanilla, and salt. Cover and chill thoroughly, at least 8 hours.

Assemble and engage freeze bowl, dasher, and drive assembly as directed in attachment instructions. Turn to STIR (Speed 1). Using a container with a spout, pour mixture into freeze bowl. Continue on STIR (Speed 1) for 15 to 20 minutes or until desired consistency. Fold in the Nutella until thoroughly swirled. Immediately transfer ice cream into serving dishes, or freeze in an airtight container.

Yield: 8 cups

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