This morning I did a dangerous thing: I clicked on a link for mermaid print leggings on Amazon. This resulted in my clicking more and more suggested links and falling in love with ALL the leggings. Lucky for me, these leggings are cheap. If I bought all of the pairs […]
Tag: leggings
Geeky Leggings from We Love Fine
I’ve loved We Love Fine for a while (every single person I’ve met that works there is so incredibly sweet. AND their stuff is amazing!), but I’ve been loving them even more lately. In addition to cute new dresses, sweaters, and shirts, they’ve created some of the coolest leggings I’ve […]
Friday Favorites: June 28
Whew! Job Hunters, Geek and Sundry, launching a makeup line, trying to catch up on sleep…It’s been a roller coaster of a week! Here are some of my favorite new discoveries: Favorite App: Vine I’ve only made a couple videos, and they’re all obnoxious, but I’m loving playing around with […]
Laser Cat Leggings
I intercepted a twitter conversation yesterday that included a picture of these leggings in the wild. I knew I needed them. The cats were hypnotizing me. Luckily, a quick Google search helped me find them online, and bonus: They’re only $16. Get your Laser Cat Leggings here! My only question: […]