Weight Hacking: A Geek Fit Guide


Now that my friends and I are all getting a bit older, our metabolisms are slowing down, and our diets of Dominos and Doritos are needing to be revamped. We’re all starting to exercise and find ways to be more fit, but it can be tough. So many books, exercises, and plans are created with peppy women or hard-bodied men in mind, and that leaves out a lot of my friends. This new book, Weight Hacking, seems like an awesome option. The author is currently fundraising to publish his book, which features weight-loss tips and tricks from himself and other geeks like Neil Gaiman and Bonnie Burton. Donate $25, and you’ll be first in line for an e-book copy. $35 gets you one in print. So how about we all team up together to get a bit more healthy, the geeky way?

I’m also in the works on some Geek Fit posts/videos myself. If there’s anything particular you want to see or have questions about, let me know!


  1. Thanks for mentioning Weight Hacking Tara, it’s much appreciated 🙂

  2. Hi

    I have heard about your book and read a bit about on-line. I am wondering where and .how one could buy a copy of the book? I am very interested.


  3. Linda, it looks like the book’s not out yet, but you can follow its progress (and find more weight-loss goodness) at http://www.weighthacker.com/. Once the book’s released, I’ll do a post about it!

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