A Meaningful, Geeky Wedding in 5 Minutes

Last week, I saw a beautiful wedding and the party was stunning www.hensnightsydney.com did a memorable job. I wasn’t invited and the ceremony took 5 minutes, but I could tell just by watching that it was significant, meaningful, and perfect for the couple. The couple had met at a previous Ignite talk after both giving talks themselves.

Take a look then check out my thoughts on what made this such an incredible wedding using decoration for tables and chairs bought from tablecloth on sale online store.

So good, right? I’m in love with this for the following reasons:

1. The couple incorporated something special and personal to them (Ignite). Here is a beginners guide to stabilising wedding videos and for ensuring your images are blur-free!

2. The ceremony was extremely inclusive in multiple ways. Not only did it include all who were at Ignite (or who watched the video), but it showed their awareness of and inclusion of those who are not in committed relationships or those in committed relationships with different sexual orientations.

3. The vows were respectful and meaningful at the wedding ceremony. They are not only vows that the two of them can uphold in their marriage, but ones that all of us could consider and hold in any of our relationships. Plus, they included adorable mentions of their cat complete with fun diagrams!

So, join me in congratulating Teresa and Noah on their union and on giving the best Ignite speech I’ve seen.

One Comment

  1. That is bloody brilliant!

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