Contest: Julep Maven

Before we go further with this post, there are two things you should know:

1. I love nail polish. It’s the best accessory to an outfit, it’s easy to change, it lasts a while if you want it to, and it’s not too expensive. I feel way more awesome when I’m wearing nail polish.

2. I am AWFUL at painting my nails. I’ve gotten a lot better since I’ve started wearing it more (practice makes perfect!), but let’s just say I’ll never be a manicurist. You will see some pictures below that may shock and concern you. Let me tell you this. If you’re not great at painting your nails, do it anyway. You’ll get better eventually, and until then, the polish you get on your skin can easily wash off next time you take a shower.

WIth that being said, I’d love to introduce you all to Julep. Julep is my absolutely favorite nail parlor, and they’ve launched their own line of toxin-free nail colors (and everything else you need for an awesome manicure/pedicure). Their polish is now available in Sephora, and you can get the newest colors before everyone else by joining their Julep Maven program. They send you monthly boxes based on a personality quiz you take, as well as other fun goodies. I’m obsessed with the quick dry polish drops that came in the October “Bombshell” package!

The candy corn came wrapped up in the box. But I thought it was more fun spread around. 🙂

The October box featured polishes that would be perfect for your vampire or zombie costume: a dark, blood red, and a black crackle polish. I haven’t tried crackle before–it’s really cool! This color combo especially makes a sexy, fun “I just crawled my way out of a coffin” look. And that’s a sentence I never thought I’d type. Anyway, whether you need colors for cosplay or just want to stay on top of the trendiest shades, Julep is for you.

         You can try the Julep Maven box yourself for just ONE PENNY! (Unless you’re in Washington State–you have to pay tax on the box, so you’ll end up paying around $1.90. But still!) Just make sure you go to this link, take the quiz, then put “GEEKYHOSTESS” in the promo code.Is one penny too much for you? Want to grab a box for a friend? Can’t decide between the style profiles? Then enter to win an intro box for free! I will pick one winner (must be from the US or Canada, sorry!) on Tuesday, October 30th. Just enter through the Rafflecopter, below!a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclaimer: I was provided the October “Bombshell” box for free by Julep Maven in exchange for the review. I will also receive boxes based on the amount of people who sign up with my affiliate link. All thoughts and opinions in this post are my own, and I only work with sponsors and companies that are a good fit for my blog. I truly love Julep and their Maven program and thought you would too!


  1. Juan Pablo Ramirez

    My wife is going to LOVE this! Thanks!

  2. My style was American Beauty.

  3. Fun! Going to check it out! 🙂 yay giveaway! 🙂

  4. Awesome! I took the quiz and my style is Boho glam. Interesting.

  5. I love nail polish too! You’re awesome, love your blog. Check mine out when you get a chance! Nerky=nerdy+geeky 😀

  6. I’m American Beauty.


  7. I’m Boho Glam. 🙂 Thank you for the giveaway!

  8. I am Boho Glam! Lovely giveaway!

  9. Another Boho Glam.

  10. awesome giveaway, thanks!

  11. I’m Boho Glam too. Not too bad, I like it.

  12. My quiz came up Bombshell. Love your blog, just found you recently through Pinterest and I’m really enjoying your posts.

  13. american beauty

  14. IT GIRL

  15. Pingback: Loot Crate | Gamerwife

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