Geek Fashion: The Future of Dress Shirts

Do you or a guy in your life have to wear dress shirts on a daily basis? This may change your/their life. Ministry of Supply is currently running a very successful Kickstarter campaign for a new dress shirt that borrows technology from NASA. The shirt will keep you comfortable all day with heat management, moisture management, odor control, and dynamic motion.

I’ve never been a fan of dress shirts personally–I haven’t found any for women that fit me correctly and aren’t uncomfortable. Although the Ministry of Supply currently only makes shirts for men, I have hopes they’ll use their space-age technology to make something for women next.

For a pledge of $95 or more, you can get their brand new shirt, but they have plenty of existing clothing that can be yours at lower pledge levels. Supporting a new company that values science and fashion? I call that a win.

Find more information on Ministry of Supply and the Apollo Shirt at


  1. Got some cool geek gear from this page was always embarrassed to dress how I wanted in my teens much now I embrace it and wear the stuff I like which is mostly gamer gear.

  2. Pingback: Friday Favorites: June 28 | The Geeky Hostess

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