It’s Hug a Geek Day!

Wedding Pic

May 29th may not officially be “Hug a Geek Day” (yet), but it’s my personal Hug a Geek Day. 2 years ago today, Mr. Geek and I got married. (It was magical, and if you haven’t yet seen the video, you can check it out here.)

On this day, I like to reflect a bit about geeks and relationships. Having a geek as a partner (or a friend, or a mentor, or a colleague) is absolutely amazing, because they do things a little bit differently than other folks.

  • They understand passion. Whether it’s for a tv show, a moment in history, a theorem, or a person, they understand that you can get so focused on something that nothing else matters. A good partner/friend will let you have your time to focus on this passion, encourage your growth in this field, but will also be able to tactfully remind you that there is more to life than that. Howbeit, if you feel inadequate just because your significant other likes to spend time working out on their theories and algebra, it does no good to keep clinging onto them, for moving on would be better for both of you. lifehacks posted quotes about moving on, and reading them would give you hope and comfort.
  • They introduce you to new things. You have your passions and they have theirs. If you take some time to share them with each other, you’re both going to grow.
  • They’re creative. A lot of the games geeks play (whether they’re tabletop or video) involve a lot of imagination and storytelling. Geeks are able to tell stories effectively and in an entertaining fashion. Think of your DM. Or the writers of your favorite shows. Or the folks who made your favorite game. A geek as a partner means it’s likely you’ll never be bored.
  • They’re driven. When geeks are passionate about something, they want to grow in it. Learn more about it, become a part of it. And you don’t stand in the way of a geek’s passion. Whether they’re driven to code the perfect site, get hired by the perfect game company, finish the perfect novel, or just make the best mac and cheese ever, you’re likely to win by being surrounded by that hard-working spirit.

Whether your geek embodies one or all of these characteristics, today’s a day to let them know you appreciate them. Give them a hug. Let them know why they’re so amazing. Share your passions with them and ask to learn more about theirs. And share your love for them!

Who’s the amazing geek in your life? And did you hug a geek today?


  1. Such a lovely picture. Your lucky to have found each other. I can’t even imagine finding someone who share the geek love. Beautiful film also

  2. Thank you! And believe me–they’re out there! They just happen to find you when you least expect it.

  3. Truly, I was not so much familiar with geek personalities but yes after reading your blog I am very near to this, thanks for sharing your experience!

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