OOTD: Red Hot Viper


Guys, selfies are hard. How do you all do it and look so darn cute? And how the heck are you supposed to get a full body shot by yourself? Anyway, this was my Friday outfit. It was a bit chillier in San Diego, but that didn’t stop me from rocking shorts.

Viper Tank: Her Universe
Viper Necklace: Gifted
Red Lips: Mirenesse Glossy Kiss in “#2. Flirty Kiss”


  1. That tank top and necklace are so awesome! I definitely need to order the tank before Montreal comiccon since so many actors from BSG are going to be there!

  2. Nice! if Edward James Olmos is there, try to get a hug from him. He gives the best hugs!

  3. He is going to be there! I’ll definitely try if I don’t get too shy.

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