When I’m not blogging and making cupcakes, I’m working with Dammit Liz Productions on awesome geeky events. And we have one coming up in May that I’m pretty psyched about! We’ll be putting on the first ever LoadingReadyRun Con. LoadingReadyRun, for those who may not have heard of them, is […]
Super Epic Awesome Contest!
I teamed up with a bunch of other amazing bloggers to do a HUGE contest. You want to enter this. The contest includes a KitchenAid Mixer, Coach bag, Tiffany necklace, Fujifilm Camera, and a $100 PayPal gift card. Your holiday shopping will be done and/or you’ll have tons of goodies […]
Dammit Liz Holiday Special!
Today’s the first day it hit freezing in Seattle, which means it’s time to start thinking about the holidays. Or something. I dunno. I’m cold. But if you are in the holiday spirit and are looking for things to do, I suggest you grab your tickets for the Dammit Liz […]
Get Prepped for Doctor Who
The Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special is airing this Saturday, and you’d think it’s Christmas over in my household. Mr. Geek and I are excitedly watching all of the new trailers and footage as it comes out, and can’t wait to see what Saturday has in store. If you want […]
Gaming and Cooking for the Kids: Extra Life 2013
It’s that time of year. Time to start prepping for a 24 hour gaming fest with my friends at Team Hypercube! Last year, they played video games for 24 hours straight while I made 24 hours of video game-inspired food and we livestreamed the whole thing. This year, we’re at […]
Trophy Cupcakes and Parties Book Launch
I attended the media event for the new Trophy Cupcakes and Parties book yesterday, and holy cow. I am blown away. I own my fair share of cookbooks, cupcake books, and party books, but this is my new go-to. First off, it’s written by the amazing Jennifer Shea. Not only […]
Free Rides with uberX!
To celebrate the summer, uberX is giving away FREE rides from today, June 18 through the 20th (up to $20). The uberX is their new hybrid, lower-priced car, so you get the same sweet Uber , but your wallet and the earth feels better about the whole thing. Their free […]
May The Free Comic Books Be With You
The stars have aligned and two of the best geek holidays have joined forces: May The Fourth (or Star Wars Day) and Free Comic Book Day. Visit your local comic book store and pick up some free comics. While you’re there, show your support for their business by picking up a […]
Free Digital Comics from Dark Horse
Dark Horse Digital is celebrating its two-year anniversary, and in addition to adding more products to their site, they’ve put 50 of their titles’ first issues online for free. You can pick and choose your favorites, or download the entire bundle. I’m personally excited to read Axe Cop, Buffy, The […]
Tara’s at PAX East!
I’ve made the trek over to snowy Boston where I’ll be visiting with my brother and checking out the newest in gaming at PAX East! At PAX? You can find me at the following events: Blending Games and Life Panel – Saturday, 10:30am PAX After Hours with Scott and Kris […]