
Blog, Lifestyle

The Perfect Host Gifts for Thanksgiving

Yeah yeah, so the stores have skipped straight to Christmas, but we still have a delicious holiday coming up in one week, and it should not be forgotten. If you’re invited to a Thanksgiving feast, don’t show up empty-handed. Grab one of these fun gifts that will insure you’ll be […]

Blog, Lifestyle

Top 10 Parties for PAX Prime 2015

When I’m not making recipe and putting sprinkles on everything, I’m running the @paxparties twitter handle. I keep everyone at PAX informed of the hot parties happening each night, and this year there are more than ever! Not sure which ones to head to? These are my top 10 choices […]

Blog, Lifestyle

Underoos are BACK (And Magical)

Remember running around in your Underoos, pretending to be your favorite superhero or cartoon character? Those days are BACK! (Ok, for some of us, those days never really left). Underoos has relaunched with a new line for kids AND grown-ups, so we can relive our childhood in style. They sent […]

Blog, Cookbook Club, Lifestyle

July 2015 Cookbook Club Wrap-Up

  Well, this book is ridiculously fun. Sprinkles! is bright, colorful, and it feels like you’re at a party just going through it! But my fave party? The recipes varied from ridiculously easy (like the dipped waffle cones) to more complicated/time consuming (like the banana split trifle cake). They even […]

Blog, Cookbook Club, Lifestyle

Cookbook Club July 2015: Sprinkles!

Welcome to the Geeky Hostess Cookbook Club! Each month I’ll pick a cookbook and try various recipes from it. I’ll post pictures of the outcomes on Instagram and share my thoughts on social media. Based on permissions from the author/publisher, some months may include giveaways, free recipes, and interviews. You […]